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Cost of Living Seminar, 17th November

Both employers and employees alike are feeling the strain on their finances as the cost of living crisis intensifies. As HR professionals, it’s crucial we extend our support to staff in more ways than one.

Here at Glaisyers ETL, we are hosting a joint event at our Manchester office on Thursday 17th November 2022, with Jill Mead of WeTalkToo, Noreen Curtin of Curtin Wood and our Head of Employment, Russell Brown, to help you navigate this unstable climate.

The cost of living crisis is an ever-evolving issue that no one has all the answers to. But the undeniable impact being felt by businesses and their employees means that it is critical to address and examine the issue now. This event aims to offer valuable advice on how businesses can respond to the increasing pressure on their workforce, whilst examining how staff can strengthen their financial resilience.

Come along to listen, learn and share ideas on what we can do as HR professionals to support our employees and businesses.

Reserve your place

Here’s what to expect

Registration will be at 8.00 am, the event will start at 8.30 am and finish at 9.30 am, after which there will be an opportunity for networking.


Join us for coffee/breakfast!


Welcome and introductions


The impact of the cost of living crisis on a) individuals and b) employers


Coping with rising inflation


How businesses can support their employees


Financial wellbeing strategies


Reserve your place

HR resources

For Business

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For Business

The New Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Act 2023  

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