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Consumer Regulations Update – By Phil Coupe

By March 11, 2014August 30th, 2017Firm news

The latest Consumer Contracts Regulations are warming up to come into force on 14th June 2014 and whilst it is true to say that they are not revolutionary they will no doubt give rise to new arguments in the RTA world.

We are now operating in a zero tolerance system following the Court’s decision in Mitchell and the amendments to CPR and as such compliance is key to ensuring your business does not fall foul of the consolidated Regulations.

Despite this the Office of Fair Trading still believes some of the terms and definitions within the new Regulations are a little vague. This will no doubt allow for parties to test the water with arguments regarding compliance as was the case when the previous Regulations.

If you are sat wondering how it is that compliance is being put to the forefront of procedure yet we face Regulations that can be considered unclear on certain points you are not on your own.

Expect Defendant’s Solicitors to test the waters in the months following the Regulations coming into force and it is impossible to rule out questionable decisions by the Court as we are seeing far more technical arguments being pushed through to trial following the increase to the small claims limit.

With considerable change going on in the industry these regulations could easily go under the radar and have a devastating effect on non-compliant agreements over what is a purely technical oversight.

We are alive to the greater demands being placed on clients and as such we are running a seminar to ensure compliance, discuss the alterations and consider the possible arguments we are likely to face. If you wish to attend please reserve your place(s) at our Eventbrite page by clicking on the link below.

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David Jones

Author David Jones

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