Auction House’s founding director Roger Lake reports that investors are increasingly willing to consider all sorts of properties as long as the figures stack up, with demand for commercial property investment opportunities particularly strong at the moment.
The Bank of England released a statement last week telling us that the banks were substantially more resilient than they were pre-crash, which is a relief to all of us I’m sure. The banks new-found hardiness may well have come as a result of their reluctance to take risks and the spread of their security; something which appears to be mirrored in the investment market.Not putting all your eggs in the one basket is an age honoured way of diluting your potential losses. However, consider the potential gains to be had from standing at a roulette table and putting ‘all on thirteen’ and you can understand why investors have in the past ploughed large sums of money into particular types of property on the basis that they can win big.The continued high investment in the market does not point to extreme caution being exercised but the spending trends do indicate that, in this brave new world, the industry is looking to change their behaviour to survive.